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Our teas are of the highest grade and are sourced by tea masters with over 30 years of experience. Each tea is ethically sourced and picked at peak season.
The Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP) is a membership organisation working with tea companies, development organisations and governments to improve the lives of tea workers, farmers and their environment. Their aim is to drive forward long-term, systemic change across three thematic areas in tea – economics, equality and environment. ETP's work improves the progress that is being made towards attaining the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in tea-growing regions. With the support of its 50 members, including the biggest multinational companies in the tea sector, ETP’s work to date has reached over one million people in tea communities.
Much of the world’s tea is grown in places that face significant sustainability challenges. Their priority is to tackle the deep-rooted issues and some of the most complex challenges that tea workers and farmers are facing.
For more information visit:
Ethical Tea Partnership
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